2023 Impact Report

In closing our first Atom Accelerator Grant Funding year, it feels like an invitation to the ATOM community to realize the full potential of the ATOM Economic Zone. The work has only just begun.

When we started the Atom Accelerator Grant Program we anticipated the impactful technical and community work that would be achieved. Our mission was ambitious yet clear: to serve the highest interests of the Cosmos Hub and its vibrant community, establishing a grant funding program to incubate open source, public goods, and ecosystem initiatives that add value for ATOM stakeholders.

Our approach has been a welcoming alternative to traditional public governance funding. The scale and scope, however, has been astounding to participate in and watch unfold. With $3.8 million granted to 39 top builder projects (out of 211 applications!), it is clear that our investments have accomplished their goal of creating a stronger ATOM community and expanding network effect.

With this, we introduce the 2023 ATOM Accelerator Impact Report

Thank you to the Atom Accelerator Grant Program recipients for your efforts in support of our shared imperative - accelerating the value of ATOM. We give thanks for the ATOM community, as well as our internal team, for supporting these grant recipients with your time and expertise. 

In 2024, we will continue our work to support community acceleration around the ATOM Economic Zone and expand the appetites of builders to co-create: these are the imperatives that take a community to realize. 

Looking forward towards future innovations,

Youssef Amrani, Co-founder ATOM Accelerator

@BetterFuture, Co-founder ATOM Accelerator