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Driving value for
Funded by the Cosmos Hub

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Transparency Report 6

We just published our Transparency Report 6, covering our financials, grant updates, internal operations changes and much more.

You can consult it here

Our Ecosystem

The internet of blockchains offers the opportunity for huge progress for the entire blockchain and web3 space. The Cosmos hub is at the heart of the interchain and its token, ATOM, is the gateway and reserve asset.

Our Vision

ATOM Accelerator DAO is a community-oriented fund to support excellence in public goods, open source projects, and ecosystem initiatives that can bring success, security, & innovation to ATOM.

Funding Themes

Applications are encouraged in the following areas
a) Economics & cost effectiveness of PSS.

b) Validator working group to optimize PSS from validator perspective.

c) Upgrade of chains to become PSS compatible.
a) New consumer chains onboarding.

b) Consumer chains council to advance the economic zone agenda.

c) ATOM incentive models for consumer chain ramp-up.

d) Token swap function between ATOM and consumer chain tokens.

e) Harnessing MEV for ATOM stakers.

f) Code audits of consumer chains.
A. ATOM DeFI: DeFi protocols that are focused on leveraging ATOM and improving its liquidity profile. Examples would be: Liquid Staking, TimeWave, Astrovault. Generally, all initiatives that can improve ATOM liquidity profile:

a) ATOM as collateral in Cosmos.

b) ATOM as collateral in other ecosystems (ie: AAVE)

c) ATOM in wallets, whether they are Cosmos native or not.

d) ATOM adoption within CEX/ DEX products, Cosmos native or other ecosystems like Solana, Arbitrum etc.)

e) Institutional custody for ATOM.

f) Media coverage for ATOM as Interchain Money.

B. ATOM Interchain Rails:
a) Module that makes it easy to implement ATOM as gas on an existing or new CosmosSDK based chain.

b) Module or interface that makes it easy for relayers & users to leverage ATOM for IBC transaction costs.

c) ATOM branded bridge interface.

d) ATOM branded wallet.
Create visual interfaces and dashboards that show the historical data of ATOM utilization as liquidity throughout the entire interchain. IBC has good dashboards, but ATOM liquidity is scattered & the story around it is fractured with respect to the amount of liquidity & the number of users.
Initiatives with other chains that increase the brand equity of ATOM:

a) Token swaps between Hub and other L1s community pools.

b) Interoperability protocols and bridges.

c) Co-funding of cross-chain projects: AADAO + other grant programs.

d) Joint research.

e) Cross-chain governance experiments.
Initiatives that foster collaboration & integration between the blockchain space and other industries, such as healthcare, AI, finance, or supply chain onboarding into consumer chains or smart contracts within the AEZ.
a) Audit key Cosmos infrastructure.

b) Stress testing, unit tests.

c) Risk measurement for capital deployment into existing DeFi protocols, etc.
Improve documentation and tutorials surrounding consumer chain onboarding into ICS, relaying, etc. Areas where there could be organization:

a) Updating Getting Started Guides (ensure that validator/relayer/CosmosSDK are up to date)

b) Use case specific examples - guide developers though common scenarios with dApp development on a partner chain like Neutron.

c) API Reference Guide - ensure that API documentation is comprehensive, up-to-date, and includes relevant examples.

d) Community Resources - create clear documentation for where the current developer community hangs out / lives. Also help unify people around these channels.

e) Code Samples & Template - provide repos of well-documented code samples and templates covering various aspects of Cosmos development.

f) Versioning Documentation - clearly indicate & archive differences between various versions of key interchain infrastructure.
a) Tooling to enable sortition based governance processes.

b) Tooling to enable community members to rank roadmap ideas.

c) Working groups for community projects.

d) Process for proposal authors to make presentations to validators.

e) Other enhancements to improve Hub governance & deliberation.

f) DAO infrastructure.

g) New DAO bootstrapping.
a) Long-term vision for the Cosmos Hub & the ATOM tokenomics.

b) Partial Set Security (PSS).

c) Mesh Security.

d) Liquid Staking.

e) New Interchain Services that can be offered to DAOs, Chains, Cosmonauts:  governance, liquidity, administrative, registry, citizenship, credit, etc.

f) Interviews with DAOs, Chains, and Cosmonauts to discover & publish needs.

NB:  preference given to proposals seeking to lock, burn, or integrate ATOM
a) Onboarding Web2 developers into the Cosmos Hub community.

b) Hackathons.

c) Community events & conference sponsoring.
Please note that funding priority will be given to the categories listed above but that we will also consider applications outside of this scope.

Interested in Applying?

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