Generate Golang code for your CosmWasm smart contracts.
The quickest way to generate Go code for your CosmWasm smart contracts. Currently, this tool supports generating:
- Message types
- A gRPC query client
- An interchaintest based test suite.
You can think of this tool as the Golang version of ts-codegen
This tool is to help users generate code that enables them to interact with a contract using Golang. Maintaining message definitions in go is such a problem that many users dismiss using Go based tooling to test their CosmWasm applications.
This tool was released very recently, so some users are still on boarding:
- Jackal
- Stargaze
- cw-ica-controller
Need for funding
This project is currently maintained by a single core-contributor of ibc-go without any funding. As more users start to rely on this tool, and this tool gains more features, it becomes harder to maintain. There are already several features requested by the users:
- Add more template chains to the testsuite, such as Osmosis.
- Add a gRPC based transaction client
- Quality of life improvements listed under the issues in the repo.