We need to re-organise work, wages, cooperation, food, community, procurement, health, education, even government. Financial innovation is a critical part of the solution, re-imagining investment, ownership, pensions, money, cooperation, supply chains and resilience.
We are applying for funding to support the organization of the event Collaborative Finance 2 – Serving Local Communities https://commonseconomy.notion.site/COLLABORATIVE-FINANCE-2-Serving-Local-Communities-c2ae55edfce0439ab139b857ae8b3ee4?pvs=4 in July 2024, meant to tackle these complex challenges!
CoFi (meme popularized by Ethan Buchman co-founder of Cosmos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYkJ3YJD4L4 ) is a space for meeting, knowing each other, building trust, cooperation and hopefully, building power. In our first gathering in may 2023 (https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVMRG45iA=/) we showcased payment systems architectures, and how credit is created and circulates and extinguished within them.
But finance is just numbers if it doesn’t serve the real economy. This July, the Crypto Commons Association and others leaders of the community currencies field are proud to offer CoFi 2, where we will start to bridge alternative finance tools which are circulating since centuries with the advancements provided by open interoperable blockchains as Cosmos, all in the service of local communities and their economies.
The Interchain is the perfect ecosystem for the young CoFi movement, which we think could finally bring mass adoption of decentralized technologies to the two hundreds of millions of local small and medium businesses worldwide, through the power of credit-based payments tech and network science.