Atom Accelerator DAO (AADAO) Grant Announcement Card - in Blank
Team: Liam Connor
Amount Asked: $3,000
Status: Rejected

Cosmos Educational Videos: Exploring the ATOM Economic Zone

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“Cosmos Educational Videos

Exploring the ATOM Economic Zone

Cosmos Hub in 2023

The purpose of these videos is to introduce users to the new evolution of the Cosmos Hub, exploring the new narrative of the ATOM economic zone and the new look to ATOM as it develops. The Cosmos Hub is the strongest brand and IP in Cosmos and still a natural shelling point for the ecosystem, but time and time again faces critics rehashing the same arguments; tokenomics are bad and there is no value capture. But times are changing, the ATOM economic zone brings applications directly to the Hubs sphere of influence and creates supply sinks and monetary trade routes for ATOM, both of which lead towards a stronger ATOM narrative and clear value accrual.

These high impact developments around the Cosmos Hub means there is a gap to be filled between existing knowledge and understanding of the Cosmos Hub and the new fresh look ATOM and the applications directly within the Cosmos Hub sphere of influence and control. This means that educational videos explaining the new Cosmos Hub positioning and demonstrating the consumer chains and applications within the Hubs sphere, through walkthroughs/tutorials will help propagate the new branding of the Cosmos Hub to the broader interchain economy. Educational content will close the gap between user/investor understanding and the now substantial evolution of the Cosmos Hub compared to years prior.

Cosmos Educational Videos

This AADAO application proposes a series of educational videos covering the Cosmos Hub with a new outlook, demonstrating the new positioning of Cosmos Hub. The focuses will be on

Explainer videos on the value propositions of the Cosmos Hub moving forward. Looking at Replicated security & ATOM token evolution.

Tutorial walkthroughs of live applications/products on Consumer chains (excluding Neutron*), such as Stride and other products in the future.

* I have excluded Neutron applications from the list of tutorials, as I plan to apply for funding from the Neutron Grants Program to explicitly cover Neutron as an entire ecosystem of itself, within the Sphere of the Hub.


Tutorials are much needed in Cosmos, with the majority of content focused on interviews and discussions and ecosystem overviews & thoughts. Tutorials add value to existing users trying to navigate new features or better their understanding of existing ones, whilst also appealing to new entrants to the The Cosmos Hub ecosystem (which may be more impactful when compared to tutorials for established chains – As many consumer chains are new, with new or novel products), helping them navigate various apps/products offered from the ATOM ecosystem.

With this realised, tutorial videos cater towards existing users and new users simultaneously, onboarding users through exposure to audiences on YouTube and twitter and increasing the likelihood of new and existing user retention.


Coupled with tutorials, Overviews/Explainer videos can make users feel comfortable understanding the value proposition and positioning of the Cosmos Hub and the ATOM token. Overviews give new and existing users a surface level understanding of the ecosystem they are *potentially* subscribing to. This helps users align with The Cosmos Hub and its stakeholders, and understand the reasons why users are investing in, staking and/or holding ATOM and integrating within the Cosmos Hub community and product economy.

These are great for user retention, new user/investor acquisition and overall understanding of The Cosmos Hub by the wider community.

Confident in Crypto – Youtube

The confident in Crypto Youtube channel is an established, well known channel in Cosmos, with some reach beyond the ecosystem. Currently with 17,900 subscribers, the channel focuses on Tutorials/walkthroughs as well as overviews for multiple Cosmos chains.

Videos included:

Airdrop tutorialsProduct walkthroughsTokenomics overviewsProject overviewsCosmos ecosystem overviews

Past Cosmos Hub / Ecosystem Videos

Videos have seen varying levels of success, ranging between 1k views on some topics to 10k+ views on others. Multiple videos similar to what I propose producing for the Cosmos have been published with reasonable success such as what is listed here:

Complete Guide to Keplr Wallet, Cosmos ATOM staking & Trading Cosmos tokens on Osmosis | (Beginners)

10.5k views121k impressions~853 hours of watch time

Interchain Security: Cosmos Hub | How it Works, Continuous Airdrops, ATOM Utility Explained!

5.1k views48.4k impressions~433 hours of watch time

Note that these aren’t my best or worst performing videos in these categories. I have tried to choose relevant videos in comparison to proposed videos for The Cosmos Hub, and have selected ‘Reasonably Well’ performing content

Channel Inactivity

The channel has been inactive since February 2023, this is an important point to mention from the perspective of transparency. Whilst the reach & subscriber count is still there, It may be that the audience is not as actively engaged with the channel as previous and this should be factored into the agreement with AADAO should the grant be accepted.

Additional Content

In addition to the content created for The Cosmos Hub, the channel also plans to apply for funding to create content for 2-3 other Cosmos chains. As a result there will be further content on the Confident in Crypto channel to support the content created for ATOM. All of this content for multiple chains will support the others, ensuring that there is regular content published on the channel to boost viewer & subscriber engagement in the content produced by each chain. This will ensure that funds spent will get maximum value from the content produced.

This also will mitigate the impact of engagement from channel inactivity. Whilst content from other chains is not needed to reach a good level of audience, a variety of content will allow videos for specific chains to have amplified engagement as reach as viewers often value variety (limited to within a niche) and consistency.

Twitter / Telegram Engagement Plan

To help widen the reach and increase the engagement of videos produced twitter and telegram posts will be used. The strategy implemented will be to produce a tweet alongside each video which includes:

Video Thumbnail ImageVideo Topics/ChaptersCall to Action (such as clicking the video link)Video link

To amplify the reach of the twitter post, a link to the post with the thumbnail visible will be posted to relevant telegram community channels and posted & pinned in the Confident in Crypto telegram (558 members). Here are some of the telegram channels that will be used to reach an audience:

ATOM Cosmonauts (1556 members)Cosmos ATOM Price speculation (2855 members)Cosmos Ecosystem Chat (2453 members)Cosmos Airdrop Chat (9853 members)Any chat related to projects covered in each individual video

To maximise engagement even further, I would encourage Neutron and projects on Neutron to share/like/RT posts in the relevant channels such as telegram, discord or twitter. However this is not essential.

Proposed Deliverables

ATOM Replicated Security: A 10 minute overview of ATOM Replicated Security & Chains

Introduction to Replicated SecurityWhat is a consumer chain?What Cosmos Chains are secured by ATOM? (and their PFM)What replicated security means for ATOM/Cosmos Hub

Stride Tutorial: A walkthrough of Liquid Staking on Stride with the LSM module

Brief Intro to StrideLiquid Staking Module Brief ExplainerConnect to StrideSelect already staked ATOM & StakeWhat can be done now?

Noble USDC: 10 minute introduction to Noble, USDC issuance & ICS transition

What is Noble IntroductionUSDC partnership with NobleWhen will USDC deploy in Cosmos?(if after launch) Where can USDC be usedNoble ICS transition & Current POA

USDC Tutorial: A tutorial showing how to acquire USDC in Cosmos and move between chains

Where is Native USDC deployed?Where to swap into USDC?Transfer USDC between 2 consumer chains (or Neutron<->Osmosis)How to Bridge USDC into Cosmos & swap for native USDC (if required)

New Look ATOM: A 10 minute-or-so look into the future token economics for ATOM

ATOM tokenomics overviewHow Replicated Security changes the tokenomicsHow LSM changes ATOM tokenomics (future issuance reduction concept)ATOM moneynessNew ATOM value accrual narrative


September-December 2023 (All 5 videos)


Highlight the economic zone forming around the Cosmos Hub (AEZ narrative)Increase user comprehension when interacting with Cosmos Hub productsHighlight USDC native deployment in Cosmos, and how to move USDC around the interchainExplore ATOM tokenomics, showing the evolution of ATOM moneyness

Funding Requested

384.62 ATOM (Optional: Vested over 1 year with possibility to Stake)500 USDT/USDC (Or atom equivalent) (To be spent on Tx fees etc from Tutorials & to purchase a new camera)

Assumed value per ATOM at the time of this application is $6.50

Usage of Funds:

384.62 ATOM

To pay for the time spent researching, recording & publishing content (5 videos) on the Confident in Crypto channel, as well as time spent on curating tweets & propagating throughout the community.

Estimated time taken per video: 5 hoursTotal time worked on project: 25 hours

Estimated views per video: 1k-4kEstimated impressions per video: 10-20k

Cost per hour = $100Cost per video = $500

500 USDT

To pay for upfront costs in improving recording quality by purchasing a high quality camera + lighting and to pay for fees associated with product walkthroughs such as liquid staking ATOM with stride, transaction costs transferring USDC etc

Vesting / Alignment with Cosmos Hub

I strongly believe there is additional value for the Cosmos Hub to provide the ATOM funding with a vesting schedule of 1 year, to further align myself and the Confident in Crypto channel with Cosmos. The Cosmos Hub is a chain I believe in for the future and creating these videos with funding from the AADAO will allow me to further align myself with the success of The Hub and add direct value to the AEZ through my educational content.


Thanks for taking time to review my application. I believe educational content highlighting The Cosmos Hub ‘ATOM economic Zone’ and the growing number of products that ATOM is securing will add a lot of value to the Cosmos Hub and further the new narrative.

As someone who has made content over the last 2 years I see the benefits of my work when users often message or comment thanking me for the help videos have provided. I’d love to have this opportunity to work closer with The Cosmos Hub and contribute further to the success of the Cosmos ecosystem whilst also adding value to the community.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out on twitter if you have any questions

@l1am_Crypto (Twitter)@confidentincrypto (Telegram)”

Team: Liam Connor
Current Status: Rejected
Funding Program: Regular Grants

Amount Requested: Amount in their initial application, or for RFPs, their first quote or that of the nearest competitor $3,000

Date Applied: Sep 05, 2023
Date Rejected: Generally includes time spent doing interviews, rescoping or amending the application, and due diligence Nov 07, 2023 (9 weeks)

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