We propose the development of an interactive dashboard designed to provide users with valuable insights and metrics related to the Cosmos network, accounts, and validators. This dashboard will serve as a complex tool to monitor and analyze various aspects of the network’s performance and activities.
The dashboard will be structured into different tabs, each dedicated to specific metrics. The main tabs will include sections for network statistics, account analytics, and validator performance. Within each tab, users will have access to both statistical summaries and graphical representations of the data, enhancing their ability to comprehend and interpret the information effectively.
To achieve the desired functionality, we intend to leverage the capabilities of the Spacebox Indexer (https://github.com/bro-n-bro/spacebox). This technology will empower us to gather and present the relevant data in a user-friendly manner, ensuring the dashboard’s accuracy and reliability.
For a more detailed visualization of the proposed dashboard, we have created a Figma prototype accessible at the following link: https://www.figma.com/proto/qhmlIKVNDNUFfdkOZqhvnR/%F0%9F%91%8A%F0%9F%8F%BB-bro_n_bro-team?page-id=5039%3A82287&type=design&node-id=5314-86159&viewport=4980%2C3283%2C0.34&t=9icQJILThr8NxI67-1&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=5403%3A87232.
We are committed to fostering community engagement, and as such, the majority of the dashboard’s graphs and metrics will be accessible to the wider community. However, to show our appreciation for Bro_n_Bro delegators and provide them with additional valuable insights, we will include some custom graphs exclusively available to them. These graphs will offer unique perspectives on account-related data, encouraging active participation and support from our delegators. Can be seen here: https://www.figma.com/proto/qhmlIKVNDNUFfdkOZqhvnR/%F0%9F%91%8A%F0%9F%8F%BB-bro_n_bro-team?page-id=5039%3A82287&type=design&node-id=5704-116846&viewport=2376%2C404%2C0.12&t=hkJrWEpC9GSaRw4n-1&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=5403%3A87232
In summary, our grant proposal aims to develop a high-level dashboard utilizing the Spacebox Indexer, offering deatiled view of network, account, and validator data through user-friendly stat and graph representations. By empowering our community with insightful metrics and engaging Bro_n_Bro delegators with exclusive content, we seek to enhance transparency, promote community involvement, and strengthen our network’s overall performance.