Cosmos Hub Grant deployed by Atom Accelerator DAO (AADAO) to Cryptocito for AEZ Content Creation: Cryptocito
Amount Approved: $40,000
Status: Complete

AEZ Content Creation: Cryptocito

The Cosmos ecosystem aims to expand its audience and strengthen its narrative through compelling, informative content. To support this goal, AADAO has awarded a $40,000 grant to Cryptocito, a prominent content creator, to enhance the ATOM Economic Zone narrative and onboard new users to the Cosmos Hub.

With very few Cosmos content creators with Cryptocito’s level of outreach and advocacy, this grant was merited based on the need for quality reach and content created by someone already well familiar with the ecosystem and its technology.

Cryptocito aims to transform his content format from exclusive one-on-one interviews to more accessible content that introduces viewers to the fundamentals of Cosmos and highlights the positioning of the Cosmos Hub. The goal being to engage and educate a wider audience, particularly newcomers, by creating informative and engaging videos that foster understanding and awareness of the Cosmos Hub as the flagship Layer 1 in the Cosmos ecosystem.

Over the four-month sponsorship period, set grant milestones include monthly videos dedicated to the Cosmos Hub, hosting Atom Zone spaces and discussions with AADAO grantees, holding monthly hub-focused livestreams, as well as additional Hub advertising. We believe Cryptocito’s efforts will be instrumental in raising awareness and fostering a deeper understanding of the Cosmos Hub and the broader Cosmos ecosystem.

About Cryptocito
Visit their Twitter profile Visit their website

Cryptocito, the longest standing content creator and educator in Cosmos, helps to educate existing Cosmonauts, as well as aid in recruiting new ones. With content covering everything from news updates to trading series.

Team: Cryptocito
Current Status: Complete
Funding Program: Regular Grants

Amount Requested: Amount in their initial application, or for RFPs, their first quote or that of the nearest competitor $40,000
Amount Approved: $40,000 (100%)
Amount Paid: $40,000 (100%)

Date Applied: May 18, 2023
Date Approved: Generally includes time spent doing interviews, rescoping or amending the application, and due diligence Jul 31, 2023 (10 weeks)

Payments Made: View the DAO DAO prop on our Grants Wallet or Mintscan of the transaction $10,000 (Sep'23) $20,000 (Nov'23) $10,000 (Jan'24)

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